Friday, April 11, 2014

The Waste Land

Why are we so selfish in life? Why are we so hard-wired to be this way? We chase after things to satiate our wants, go to any extent to seize it and when we are unable to consume it we call life unfair. And yes life is hell not fair. Even if you run behind it really hard, try to make things right, try your best, life will never assure you that it will pay you back or that it will reward you back. There is no right or wrong. There is nothing fair and unfair in reality. Its all in your head. It exists so that it can fool you into doing things that are assumed right or fair. But there exists none. Life and its nature are just raw. It will stab you whenever it feels like, with or without any reason without owing you any explanation. I believed in things like Karma…do the right thing and the one day you’ll reap your reward. All wrong. It is just registering my head as I exercise upon this lesson learning it the hard way. Well. There are no such things. Its crude and will hit you the way it wants. You have to be a sponge ball. Accept it all as its come your way even if you have done none wrong. Facts only have a small place in your life. Its all your perception that drives you, They are your best friend, your mentor in life that stands to defend your rationale, your decision and rides your actions and they become your enemy when they belong to someone else; perhaps of a loved one or not, that stand in your way to challenge your own and stall you “protocol” of life. Such funny is the way of life.

The best is when nature would slyly smile at you when it sees you fall, Particularly when you surrender to your emotions. Heh. Emotions. Yet another evil in disguise. It is like a toxic shot of neat vodka. Takes you high upon a cloud and the next minute pushes you off it and you land with a thump. A really hard thump. And there are some fools who pay a heavy price for it. Emotional attachments are wicked and are really expensive to afford. Another life lesson being learnt the hard way. Don’t keep them if you can’t afford to hold them. Leaves you bankrupt of cheerfulness. And these are just emotion to say, not facts. No certification of ‘a statement of truth’ on them. Such is their control on us. We let them happen to us. And the never-ending internal conflict that how could we let it happen to us. Heh. Such are the realities of our lives. Our own emotions become our enemies. They rule us and consume us. Bad things happen. But what should I fear more? Those bad things or what I become into when I confront those bad things?

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